
World Environment Day: What Can We Do?

Today is world Environment Day!

We need not barge into a large scale or spend a lot of money to do our bit to save our greenery and surroundings. A few simple things can be habited in our daily lives that can more green into our environment and reduce the level of using plastics.

Earlier, we had things like toys in wood, our containers in stainless steel, our buckets and pots were made in brass or clay, or our grocery items packed in paper, or flowers and food items packed in leaves, or the decorative kolams were done using rice powder, turmeric, camphor like items were used for cleaning and for keeping away insects from home and a lot more…but now?

Everything is synthetic and plastic, which once for all kills the aura and the beauty of using the natural things.

  • Use your own cloth bags when you go to your grocery shop, instead of using the plastic bags that the shopkeeper gives. These covers make the major chunk in our garbage, a very harmful thing for the environment. (even manjal pai is no kevalam when compared to harmful plastic carry bags)

         Even at temples, there is a increasing habit of buying a cover for pooja necessaries, instead of                the stainless steel pooja plates used earlier.

  • When you arrange parties or special occasions, don’t use plastic bags to distribute you return gifts. Recently, there is a trend of using synthetic banana leaves for feasts in big functions, we can avoid that. (when we spend if we can find anyone doing small level business on palm leaf (panai olai) boxes and bags, wouldn’t that be great, our desi culture and tradition will be kept alive too)


  • Leave a small amount of land, very small space will do, for rain to fall directly onto the Earth. Concreting your whole premises never allow the Earth to absorb the rainwater. A simple rain water harvesting method. (amongst the concrete, let there be little green too)                                       
  • When we were young, most of us had a childhood in individual houses with at least a few plants around our house building, a small garden. Why deprive our children from all that? Even if you stay in flats, make room for a small garden which you can make your children maintain it. (our children are deprived of so many good things we enjoyed, why deprive the pleasure of having nature close to them)                                                                                                                                                       
  • Avoid the packed snacks like chips, it has two advantages. One – saves  our children from eating junk and second, accumulation of plastic packets of these ridiculously high-priced and severely harmful snacks can be largely avoided. (we spend money to invite many sorts of stomach disorders)                                                                                                                                                                            
  • Let us make it a community activity to segregate the wastes from our home – decomposable wet waste, reusable plastic waste and non-decomposable solid waste. (some where down the time, let us see much lesser quantity of non-decomposable plastic waste in our homes)                               
  • Avoid using fuelled vehicles for every other visit to the nearby shop, school or college. (lets breathe fresher air)

Please share your views and share your ideas if you have any.

If not all, let us try to implement those little things that can bring in a small bit of change in our environment and make it greener, as we all know “Little Drops Make A Mighty Ocean”
