
Few Simple Ways For a Healthier Living


Food Habits


Right from brushing the teeth to every activity that we get involved, we have started to follow stranger’s methods, even before analyzing, or even without a forethought.

If we could bring back the age old methods that our ancestors have taught us in our food habits, most of the diseases and disorders can be prevented to a large extent.

Using different types of grains. We have largely gotten used to including rice and wheat in our diet. But, our forefathers have left us with nutrient-rich diet that included a lot of other grains that includes a variety of millets.

Mode Of Transport


We step out of the house only to step into a car or a bike. Walking has largely reduced while cycling seems to have gotten obsolete.

You can follow one or more of the following methods in your daily life:

  1. Fix a day for yourself to use your cycle to all the places you travel near by.
  2. Fix a day for walking to travel to all the places.
  3. Fix a place to reach by foot or by cycle only.


Maintenance of body


Body movements include sitting, standing, walking, lying down. The postures we sit and stand, walk and sleep affect a lot in our keen and back pain. We got so much used to luxury and hence spend to buy sofas, chairs and beds without even thinking what harm it could invite to our body.

Obesity is a very big concern these days and a major cause for knee pain. What we eat, the quantity of food and water intake should be given more importance to help us maintain a healthy body and fit structure.

All of the above facts and information is not new to us. But, it is a just a small attempt from us to remind ourselves about the changes we need to bring in our daily life for a better and healthier living.



