வரம் கொடு.. தவம் காண்கிறேன்! 5



Active Member
I like this author especially capturing minute emotions of a girl .Her previous story Madura priyam where the heroine would be interested in her athai paiyan.Where that Athai paiyan would be interested in his Athai ponnu.Very selfish.In Nee yendhan seripadhiye hero would go to studies abroad right after marriage.Herione life would be so lonely.Now Saha.I like these heroines were some kind of sacrifice they make in life also some compromises the heroine makes.I am so satisfied with writing everyone would say we should not compromise or sacrifice our desire or ambition.Not everyone are lucky enough.At some point we need to sacrifice or compromise.


Well-Known Member
என்ன இருந்தாலும் கார்ல் போகும் போது ராஜா மியூசிக் தி பெஸ்ட். விக்ரம் என்ன சொல்லவென தெரியலை.


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